#Using Twitter to develop a PLN

I have been idle on twitter for a couple of years, but it is only now that I have fully explored Twitter as a means of building a professional learning network (PLN).

This morning we connected with James Hopkins via Google Hangout, who shared a presentation with us regarding his journey with Twitter. I loved the notion of using Twitter as free PD and connecting with other educators who have different perspectives and experiences.

It's interesting thinking about the different way people view change and technology in education, and how this is discussed through PLNS.


After being inspired by James, the MDTA's began our first twitter chat, using #MDTAchat. Anne posed a series of provocations which we responded to and conversed with one another. I found this really interesting, although it was a little stressful! I hadn't considered the learning that could occur from something like this before and will be engaging in other chats, such as EdchatNZ more often.


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