Identifying a Problem

 In my last blog post, I was considering which subject to focus on for my CoL inquiry and came to the conclusion that I should look at Maths. I have since teamed up with Clarelle Carruthers and Hannah Burton to form a collaborative inquiry group.

The first step to an inquiry is identifying a problem. I think this evidence is pretty compelling: 

This data illustrates the fact that our school's maths data is far behind that of the other Manaiakalani schools. Something needs to change!

We have decided to gather data from across the school to try and identify an area of need from a range of year levels. We are hoping this will support us to make a bigger impact on our learners.

We will of course still examine our own practice and make changes as per a normal inquiry. The idea being that we all follow a similar approach so that other teachers can replicate it if it is successful.


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