Making a Comeback

Becoming a mum has definitely been the most rewarding experience of my life, although it has come with new challenges! I have been fascinated with early childhood education, reading studies about language acquisition and early development. I think I can finally see the appeal of teaching young children; their rate of growth is incredible! 

I have quite often heard Dr Jannie Van Hees in my head, reminding me to keep conversing with my daughter. "Serve and return". Or Dorothy discussing how many millions of words children should hear before starting school. I guess I can thank them both for my very chatty (loud) girl! I joke, but it has been really helpful to experience these things instead of simply reading about them.

Now I have a new surge of energy to bring to the classroom and a new perspective too. I've been relieving and working in new spaces which has given me more insight and eased me back into school life. Throughout term two I spent a lot of time thinking about what I will implement in my own classroom and the changes I will make. 

I can't wait to get started!


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