Across School CoL Teacher

Kia ora, I'm Danni Stone! I'm a year 7/8 teacher at Pt England School. 

Over the past couple of years my inquiry has focussed on reading. In 2019, I was interested in generating more discussion about texts and used reciprocal reading, argumentation boards and debate as part of my intervention.

In 2020 I looked at teaching my students to self-reflect in reading; to identify when they found something challenging and to stop and employ a strategy to support their understanding. 

In my class I regularly integrate reading, writing and oral language, which was a focus of mine when I took part in MIT.  Prior to this I completed a dissertation at the University of Auckland. This had an inquiry focus on using digital affordances in maths. 

Please feel free to visit my class site, or watch my lessons on Class onAir


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