Self Assessment; Whats going on with my learning design?

I am currently examining my own practice to identify how my teacher actions relate to my hypothesis. I believe that I am not supporting my students to self-regulate as they read, neither from teaching enough reading strategies that support this, nor by teaching self-regulation explicitly.

After viewing videos of my practice, I could clearly see that I was not teaching these strategies in person. I was scaffolding my students a lot, asking my own questions to help prompt them to make sense of the text, instead of getting them to do this themselves. I believed that I was teaching 'clarifying' and 'questioning' strategies through reciprocal reading, but I actually put most of the focus on 'predicting' and 'summarising' instead.

I wondered if any of the activities or independent tasks included these strategies, so I began to look at these next. I was sure I remembered asking a question somewhere about the students understanding of the text...

To make it fair I randomly picked out terms and weeks from this year and last year to look at and chose my middle groups to look at. Here are some examples and what I learnt from them, from oldest to newest:

In this session we'd just finished reading something else about ancient greeks and we'd done a lot of geography. We read quite a few texts, but the students simply identified the meaning of the story and identified the protagonist and antagonist (as these words were new to them). Yes, I am asking the students to make sense of the text, but there aren't any questions that relate to how they went about doing this.

This is a pretty eclectic group of texts! This was a weeks learning while we did a unit in genomics at the same time as a seperate inquiry about a different topic, hence the randomness of the texts/ tasks. In the inference tasks I am sort of asking the students how they made their inferences as I get them to note the clues they used. This is probably as close as I get to asking them about the strategies they used independently to make sense of the text.

Another set of slides and I am definitely seeing a trend. The students have a few texts to read, each with a few questions. In this case they are summarising the poem and noting the effects of language features. I am still seeing little that asks the students about the strategies they are using, or that gets them to self-regulate or monitor their understanding.

My Takeaways
After looking back on my planning, I can see some changes that I've already made to my teaching. Last year I increased mileage and began reducing my use of comprehension questions. I tried to make these questions more cognitively demanding and due to this I would say they scaffold the students less. However, I am always essentially asking them what happened in the text. A good follow up question to this could be how do you know this is what happened? I could ask them what evidence they used, what strategies they used or whether they re-read parts of the text to check for understanding.

I could definitely incorporate questions or activities linked to self-regulation in these slides.


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