Argumentation Boards

Are you interested in increasing oral language and critical thinking in your classroom?

Argumentation Boards use engaging topics to prompt critical thinking and debate. Essentially, a question is posed and students form their opinions (and use factual information to justify them) as they engage with a range of multi-modal texts.


I found using argumentation boards extremely helpful to increase the discussion and debate in my classroom. They gave my students an authentic and engaging context to read and write - they loved sharing their opinions!

I also found that they helped me to understand the notion of T-shaped or 'wide and deep' literacy. In this approach, students read a range of texts that are linked by topic or learning intention. When using argumentation boards, I got in the habit of using a wider range of text; I used a range of text types (persuasive, narrative...),  multiple modes (texts, videos, audio..) and the information in the texts varied too (opposing views, satire..).

If you are interested in Argumentation Boards, Rebecca Spies created a whole website around them in 2018, so you are able to take existing boards and trial them in your classroom. They are particularly powerful when used to introduce a new topic or inquiry, and naturally they align with persuasive writing.


  1. Fantastic, thanks for sharing Danni, and the prompt for Rebecca's site. I am going to consider how I might create some boards for Smart Footprint and Smart Relationships.

    1. Thanks Fiona! I think the boards would work really well with those topics.


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