Sticky Learning with Hyperdocs

When I used to think about Hyperdocs, I immediately imagined a page filled with hyperlinks. After a session with hyperdoc guru Lisa Highfill, I realise that I may have been wrong about them, in fact, they are not so different from the type of slides that I have been creating for my own learners.

The docs and slides that Lisa creates have a definite structure, they clearly take the students on a journey, which for me would look like 'learn, create, share', while for Lisa this might look more like 'explore and explain'. The slides have short instructions and they use images and a layout that is visually appealing.

The other misconception that I had about hyperdocs was the number of links that they would feature. Yes, student choice is wonderful, but nobody likes to be bombarded with links as this can become overwhelming. I was pleasantly surprised with the number of links that Lisa's slides provided; the links were purposefully chosen and took students to engaging but relevant content.

In fact, one of my favourite things about Lisa's session was that she was clearly using the technology as a tool to facilitate effective pedagogy. Everything was purposefully chosen, she hadn't picked gimmicky tools and she had a reason for each link and activity. She also had a clear understanding of where direct teaching would occur or where they would collaborate. In her words, effective hyperdocs get students to connect, collaborate, critical think and create.


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