Future Focussed?

This year I have ensured to cover careers education, as I understand the importance of providing these opportunities for my learners. The Ministry of Education explain that students need to be aware of different career pathways and the knowledge and skills that are required to follow various career paths. It can also support students to be more motivated about school and higher education.

This term I have done a lot more work in this area than I had previously and I introduced a range of occupations to my learners, from architecture to engineering to working for the police. As a school we have invited lots of different individuals and organisations in to talk to our students about their careers.

I have found that this has had a positive impact on my learners, as they are far more aware of the different avenues that they could pursue. I found that they particularly learnt a lot from the engineer that I put them in contact with. He reported the importance of maths and physics for engineering, but expressed that he was not a strong writer at school.  A lot of my students could relate to this and found this quite meaningful. He was also very impressed with the students ICT and the fact that they were learning to code.

This caused the students to realise that they are quite privileged to belong to a cluster of schools that promotes the use of ICT, different media and programming skills, as it is not offered in all schools yet. We had a large discussion regarding this and they began to identify some of the other special skills that they have learnt so far, such as movie making and editing.

I look forward to hearing from past students in the future and learning which career path they decided to choose.


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