Whats on the horizon for technology in education?

This week we began our university summer school course with Rena Heap and Kerry Lee. The course is concerned with digital pedagogy, which is an area we are all involved with and passionate about. Our first task was to create a fifteen minute presentation based on one of the course readings.

I chose to cover the NMC/ CoSN Horizon Report: 2016 K-12 Edition. I spent a couple of minutes covering the outline of the report and shared a slide show containing my notes with the class.

For the remainder of my presentation I created a mini Makerspace featuring Google Cardboard and robotics. I wanted to give my peers the opportunity to experience some of the technology described in the text. We had a great time running the Edison robots around the track and experimenting with some of the Apps on Google Cardboard. I'm really looking forward to introducing this as part of the technology lessons I teach with my year 6 students, while the year 7's are at Tamaki College.


  1. Thank you so much for bringing these in, and your extensive notes Danni. I will definitely be going back to these for the assignment and in the future when I chat to school about where education is heading! I really enjoyed having the opportunity to use your Google Cardboard, I think it is one of those things you are keen to try, but never really get around to it, but I really hope I can!

    1. Hi Georgia,

      I am so glad you enjoyed trying out the Google Cardboard. I've had a lot of fun playing with it and look forward to using some of the apps in my classroom!

  2. You made the most of a really interesting reading Danni and what a great idea to make it hands on and engaging for the class. Do you just casually have Edison robots hanging about at your house, or did you specially source them for this?

    1. Hi Dorothy,

      I thought it would be a good opportunity to test them out! I got them for christmas; I am very lucky to have a small group of year 6's so I will be using them for tech while the year 7's are at Tamaki College.


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