Feedback from Kariene!
During our third session at MIT we had the opportunity to pair up and share feedback regarding our tools. I got the lovely Kariene from the Kaikohekohe cluster and this was the feedback she shared: Danni’s inquiry started off focusing on literacy learning in years 7 & 8 and how that school and cluster data was showing that the rate of learning in many senses was stalling or dropping. Her inquiring focused totally on what she could do to prevent this in her classroom. Today Danni started out by sharing her site - a resource bank of texts she has created and used in her classroom. This was broken into different pages relating to Text Analysis exemplars, Writing Techniques and Connecting Reading and Writing. This provided us with rich examples and questions based around different genre/examples. This looked like a fantastic tool at a glance. When we delved deeper it appeared to be even more of a rich tool. One of the challenges that Danni had ...